
Jim Romeo - Freelance Writer
Magazine Articles, Corporate Communications, Collateral Writing, Technical Writing, Marketing Consulting and Project Management
Contact Information:
Jim Romeo 1008 Weeping Willow Drive Chesapeake, VA 23322
Email: freelancewriting@yahoo.com
Alternate Email: uscg@earthlink.com
Some Frequently Asked Questions About My Services
Can You Tell Us A Little About Yourself?
I have an interesting background. I am a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. I sailed as a cadet/midshipman in the U.S. Merchant Marine. I then went onto graduate school and graduated from Columbia University Graduate School of Business in 1986 with an M.B.A. in Marketing.
I worked for General Electric Corporation for a while at its corporate staff headquarters in Bridgeport, Connecticut in their corporate purchasing department. I then worked in Sales Promotion and Advertising as an Account Executive and Copywriter for small New York agencies. My accounts included Kraft General Foods, Pall Corporation, Nestle Foods and a multitude of brands within Kraft General Foods.
I had a brief stint as a Registered Representative for the Cigna Corporation, where I sold Insurance and Securities.
Later, I returned to the technical arena as a Mechanical Engineer.
A diverse career, to say the least!
Checkered career, as it may seem, I have done many things and worked in a true diversity of cultures and industries. I have learned a lot. I enjoy delving into different topical areas when writing and researching.
What Can I Offer As A Freelance Writer That Most Cannot?
Firstly, experience. I have written over 350 articles for magazines and newspapers.
Secondly, a rare combination of writing skill and technical savvy. Normally, a writer for technical topic is: a journalist first and a technical type second; or a technical type first, and a journalist second. My combination of skills, education and experience is strong in journalism and technical savvy.
Technical savvy isn't just about understanding information technology, engineering or science.
To me, it is an ability to understand topics and concepts that are specialized and more complex than ordinary subjects.
My background includes a degree in Engineering, an an MBA (Columbia University), and some eighteen years of work experience in a variety of jobs and industries. My work experience includes positions in engineering and technical management, advertising, and sales promotion. Add to this experience 9 years of freelance writing on a wide variety of topics.
What Topics Am I Qualified To Write About?
Industrial management, software, information technology, industrial management, and most business related subjects. These are topics I have experience with and am comfortable working with.
That said, no topic is beyond me or beneath me. I have written about antiques and collectibles, sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, gardening and history. I have written book reviews, profiled entrepreneurs and small business persons, developed case studies for construction companies, developed a roundtable articles on industrial issues, reviewed web sites, authored a monthly column for 8 years, and recently finished my first book Net Know How.
How Could I Help You?
Think of me as a flexible resource. My freelance writing effort supplements your efforts without taking on any additional risk.
If you are a marketing professional, you may serve your clients and build your business while I work behind the scenes. Trade magazine articles, brochures, newsletters, web content, case studies, product data sheets, product descriptions, catalog copy, user manuals, collateral literature may be works-in-progress while you pitch new business, develop accounts and run your day-to-day operations.
If you are an editor, you may work on getting the next issue out, while having me work on articles for issues and deadlines two to three months out. You may have a special issue, or a trade show that takes your staff away from regular features and could use some help to get over the hump.
No matter who you are or what you do, I can bring something very valuable to you - ideas.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote "A man loves an idea better than all things in this world". An outside freelancer can bring outside ideas that wouldn't ordinarily find their way into your world.
Where Do You Get Material For Your Writing?
Tom Wolff wrote that good writing was more in the material than in the craft. Finding good material is the art of the hunt.
Like any good journalist, I hunt for sources and information that will build an informative and interesting article.
What Makes a Good Article?
One that arouses the reader and provides them with interesting facts, information and dimension about a topic that they couldn't find easily on their own.
In addition to the material, the presentation of this material enhances it. How it's presented and unrolled is the talent of the writer.
Can You Tell Us About Some Of The More Interesting Things That You've Worked On?
Sure. I've interviewed and profiled a Native American who started his own medicinal plant company;developed a feature article about Juvenilles in a state prison in Gainesville, Texas who are training to become Cisco Systems Network Administrators; I've interviewed and featured an Italian farmer who lives in Italy near the Swiss Alps and restores antique European tractors; profiled a homeless man who learned to surf the Internet and found employment as a result of it; and profiled a blind man who founded and now runs a successful Internet company. I could go on and on !
1986, Columbia University, New York, NY MBA, Marketing
1983, United States Merchant Marine Academy,Kings Point NY BS, Mechanical Engineering
Notable Accomplishments, Experience, and Skills
+ Author of Net Know How ,(2001, Aegis Publishing). This is my first book and profiles 25 internet entrepreneurs. It gives their story and advice on starting an internet business in times like these.